Now seeking up 50 LGBTQ+ women in NY who experience depression and/or anxiety to share perspectives on the kinds of programs or support that might be most helpful.
$90 compensation is offered.
Now seeking up to 20 mental health service providers and other healers (e.g., therapists, social workers, nurse practitioners, etc.) about what they have seen help LGBTQ+ NY women and their communities heal.
Individual interviews will happen on Zoom or in the Capital region.
$50 compensation is offered.
Now seeking 10 Project Advisory Board members - a diverse group of LGBTQ+ women in NY - to broadly oversee the development of a new mental health peer support program for LGBTQ+ women in upstate NY.
LGBTQ Solace is a research and action project of the School of Social Welfare, College of Integrated Health Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY. The study is funded through the Faculty Research Award Program (FRAP-A) at UAlbany (5/1/2024-10/30/2025) and funding is managed through the SUNY Research Foundation. The study protocol, "Towards the Development of a Novel Mental Health Peer Support Intervention for Sexual Minority Women in New York State" has been reviewed and approved by the University at Albany Institutional Review Board (Protocol 23X214).